Staff Members
Members of St. St. Lawrence parish regularly minister to those who are unable to leave their residence (for short or long term) by providing regular pastoral visits and the reception of Holy Communion. Homebound visitors provide support to homebound persons through their presence and careful attention.
Pastoral visits are an opportunity to make God’s presence immediate and real to the homebound person through prayer and the reception of Communion. The early Christian community began the practice of bringing Communion to those who were unable to gather with the community. Today this practice is still an important ministry in the Church. The worshiping assembly embraces and prays for those unable to be present and commissions some of its members to go forth and bring the Body of Christ to its absent members.
Praying with another person can be a very powerful means of sharing our relationship with God and bringing His real presence to the homebound. This prayer may take the form of praise and thanksgiving, petition for needs, an opportunity to express feelings, requests for forgiveness, for healing or longing for a closer relationship with God and the community. Whatever the need, the minister can be a caring partner in the prayer.
The homebound minister also provides social conversation according to the needs and desires of the homebound. This provides a congenial atmosphere for such things as swapping stories, catching up on current events or getting to know each other.
St. Lawrence has trained homebound ministers who are available to visit those who are unable to gather with the assembled community providing the reception of communion, being a prayer partner and engaging in social conversation. These visits are arranged at the mutual convenience of the homebound person and the visiting minister.
This ministry is headed by Sister Ann Marie. She oversees the training and assignments of all St. Lawrence homebound ministers.
Please contact the Parish Office at 502-448-2122 to request a visitor for your loved one or for yourself.