8th Grade Confirmation
And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon them, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord; they will not judge by what they see with their eyes, or decide by what is heard with their ears, but with righteousness and justice. – Isaiah 11:2-3

Receive the Holy Spirit

In Confirmation, CATHOLIC Christians receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit and deepening of baptismal graces needed to grow as mature disciples of Christ in the life of the Church. Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation into the CATHOLIC Church, the other two being Baptism and First Holy Communion.

2023 Confirmation Class with Archbishop Shelton.


As candidates continue preparing for CATHOLIC Confirmation, they must:

  • Listen attentively and participate willingly in religious education
  • Respect each other’s point of view
  • Ask questions – this helps develop a more mature understanding of Christian beliefs and strengthens their commitment.
  • Attend Mass weekly
  • Invite a practicing Catholic to be their Confirmation sponsor
  • Participate in the Youth/Parent Session, Youth/Sponsor Session, and Retreat
  • Participate in Pastoral Team Interviews
  • Remain active in the Catholic community, continuing to learn about and practice their faith.
  • Dress appropriately for the Confirmation Mass


Parents play a vital role in their children’s initiation into full Christian community membership. Parents of Confirmation candidates:
They are the primary educators of their children.

  • Represent the CATHOLIC Church by showing their child a Christian example and the importance of faith.
  • Are responsible for initiating their children into the sacramental life
  • Serve as models for their children by being committed to the Catholic Church.
  • Encourage their child to worship with the CATHOLIC parish community.
  • Nurture their child in the faith
  • Should encourage their child to reflect on and thoroughly consider the decision to receive the sacrament of Confirmation
  • Are asked to attend meetings and programs that are planned to help their child prepare for the sacrament
  • Are not permitted as Confirmation sponsors of their child
  • Are asked to assist their child with the immediate preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation through prayer, study, and service
  • They should stress the initiation aspect of the sacrament by encouraging their children to continue learning more about their CATHOLIC faith
  • Should help their child understand that Confirmation service projects are the beginning of a life committed to CATHOLIC Christian service
  • Encourage their child to participate in CATHOLIC parish activities
  • Commit to daily prayer for the candidates

Confirmation Journey

All St Lawrence families are asked to pay a $35 program fee to help offset some of the costs of providing Confirmation experience for their children.

If you are a public school St Lawrence family – use the religious education form to pay the class and program fees.

Confirmation for students at St. Lawrence is a journey.

It’s your chance to say YES to God, YES to faith, and YES to the CATHOLIC church.

We want to help you build relationships that help you know whether you want to make that choice at this critical point in your life.

At St. Lawrence, here are the steps you will take on your Confirmation Journey:

  • Attend Student/Parent Meetings
  • Attend Student/Sponsor Meetings
  • Performs Acts of Service
  • Stewardship
  • Attend 2 Sponsor and Student sessions
  • Attend Retreat
  • Confirmation Mass
September 28, 2024
  • Confirmation Retreat

    September 28, 2024  9:00 am - 2:00 pm
    Earth and Spirit Center

    See more details

February 9, 2025

#1. Attend Retreat

One requirement for confirmation is for students to attend a retreat. This is Mandatory for all Candidates. The retreat for the Confirmation Class will be held at the Earth and Spirit Center located at 1924 Newburg Road, behind St. Agnes Catholic Church.

Students will be dropped off in the parking lot beside the church and then escorted to the center. The retreat runs from 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM and lunch will be served. Students should bring a refillable water bottle and wear comfortable clothing for outdoor adventures. Students will not be allowed to have cell phones during the retreat, the adult chaperones will have cell phones in case of emergency or parents need to be contacted.

Optional: Holy Fire Conference for Jr High Students (in October or November )

Holy Fire, presented by the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM) and the Archdiocese of Nashville, TN, is for young people in grades 6-8 and is a one-day experience of dynamic speakers, music, and the Sacrament of the Eucharist, as they have never before experienced.

At Holy Fire, young people will be invited and challenged to embrace their baptismal call and the relevant and powerful Gospel of Jesus. This is a one-day trip and includes lunch at the conference. We hope all 8th graders will consider participating in the Holy Fire conference during their Confirmation preparation. Holy Fire will give the middle school students a glimpse at what NCYC (The National Catholic Youth Conference) is like for high school students.

Choose a Sponsor

We ask you to choose a CATHOLIC sponsor to join your journey. A Sponsor is like a spiritual coach who lives our faith and can share their experience with you. Pick someone you admire for their faith and who can help you grow closer to Christ.


Under Canon 874 of the Code of Canon Law, the Confirmation Sponsor must meet the following criteria:

  • Your Confirmation Sponsor must be a practicing Roman Catholic who has celebrated the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Eucharist
  • Your Confirmation Sponsor must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Your Confirmation Sponsor must regularly attend Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation and give witness to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
  • Your Confirmation Sponsor must be free of all Canonical impediments. (a legal obstacle that prevents a sacrament from being performed validly)
  • Your Confirmation Sponsor may not be your Mother or Father.
  • Your Confirmation Sponsor is open to the Living Word of God in sacred scripture and the CATHOLIC Church.
  • A proxy may be used if your Confirmation Sponsor cannot attend your Confirmation Mass. The proxy represents the Sponsor and must fill in the same Sponsor Criteria.

Confirmation Sponsor Requirements:

  • Fill out the Sponsor form.
  • If possible, a sponsor should participate in a service experience with the candidate.
  • Attend the Youth/Sponsor Information Session
  • Attend the Youth/Sponsor Workshops
  • Attend the Confirmation Mass to present the student to the Archbishop to be Confirmed. 

Student and Sponsor workshops

These workshops will be where all the teens and their sponsors gather for information/talks and start the process of the confirmation journey. We’ll have snacks and discussions, and activities that sponsors and students can do together to grow in faith and get to know each other on a more spiritual level.


SPARK NIGHT is where all the teens and their sponsors gather for a night to celebrate the Start of the Confirmation Journey; we have dynamic speakers who engage our youth and sponsors and ignite the spark that will become a flame of Their CATHOLIC faith on Confirmation Sunday. We meet for dinner and have a speaker in the community room.

Perform Acts of Service

*Experiences served as part of your stewardship or family chores cannot be counted as fulfilling your service requirements. (Examples: Serving at Mass, running the cameras at Mass, mowing your lawn, taking out the trash, helping a sibling study or do homework, babysitting)

Service is a component of the confirmation process as required by our Diocese.

For our confirmation Service, we ask that students center their service around the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy with one of the projects under Care for the Common Home (Care for Creation). Students are asked to perform a minimum of six (6) experiences (while we do not require a set amount of hours at St Lawrence, a minimum of 12 hours of service hours is a guideline to provide a real experience)

(Example: A service trip to Franciscan Soup Kitchen 4 hours of service – 1 experience for community, [Corporal Works: Feeding the Hungry, Giving Drink to the Thirsty])

(Example: Cleaning Tables at the Fish Fry could be 1-3 hours and would count for one experience for the Parish)

(Example: Baking Cookies or a cake for a Bereavement meal after a funeral count for one experience [Bury the Dead, Comfort the Sorrowful])

A list of service organizations can be found at the link below. Also, check our Youth Ministry Facebook page for announcements about service trips to Franciscan Soup Kitchen or other organizations. We hope that once you begin serving, you’ll want to continue serving, as that is our call as Christians–to love and serve others.

The link below is from the Catholic Charities Office, listing their many service opportunities.

The link below is a list of service organizations and non-profit organizations in the Archdiocese of Louisville.

  • Service Ideas Within the Community
  • Visit the elderly in a nursing home
  • Assist senior citizens with chores
  • Volunteer Work at the Hospital
  • Volunteer work at a food pantry
  • Tutor after school for a younger student
  • Volunteer at the Homeless Shelter
  • Walk a 5k for a Cause
  • Service Ideas Within the Parish
  • Attend Adoration for 1 hour
  • Help Setup/Clean up for Parish Events
  • Volunteer to help a Teacher
  • Clean up around the parish grounds
  • Write a letter to a seminarian
  • Attend a Bible Study or start one

How to Report Your Service Experiences

To report your service, fill out the online service form. You can also print this form out and take it with you if you are performing service at an organization to have someone at the organization sign it for you.

Select a Saint’s Name

Do some research on Saints in the church. Look into their interests and causes and find some that interest or pertain to you. Your saint name will serve as your inspiration for being a church member and your name when you receive the Sacrament.

Letter to the Pastor

The Pastor of St Lawrence would like to receive a letter from each student before the Confirmation Mass that shows that they have prayerfully discerned that they are ready for Confirmation.

Your letter will be approved by your teacher and then given to the Confirmation Coordinator, Mike Raymer, at the Parish office.

The following components need to be in the letter to Pastor:
1.  What does Confirmation mean to me?
2.  What did I do to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation?   
3.  Which service experience had the most significant impact on me?
4.  Why did I choose my sponsor?
5.  What is my Confirmation name, and why did I choose it? 
6.  What will I do in the future to live out my Confirmation Commitment and be an active member of my CATHOLIC church?

Confirmation Mass

The time has come! The day to officially be a confirmed member of the Church. Our Confirmation Mass will be celebrated with the Archbishop along with our pastor and other confirmation staff.

Confirmation Application Process Forms

Please find below the REQUIRED forms that you will need to submit to the parish office. These are the forms discussed at the parent information meeting.

Online Forms

Below you will find the online forms for confirmation, the Candidate Information and Sponsor information forms are REQUIRED for the candidate to be accepted in the confirmation process.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Mike Raymer

Director of Youth Ministry/ Confirmation Coordinator

Office: 502-448-2122, EXT 231

or stlmichaelr@gmail.com