When can you start participating in Youth Ministry?
When you begin your 6th-grade year. Our after-school Jr High HERD begins in September and runs through the end of school. We also have summer activites each summer month to gather back together and do fun things.
Need to stay on top of what’s going on in Jr High Youth Group?
Follow us on our Facebook Group
Jr High Group Me
High School Group Me e
How do I join Youth Ministry?
If you are an active member of St. Lawrence Parish or Mary Queen of Peace, you are a member of the Youth Ministry just by being a parish member. You may participate in all parish youth activities.
We have a Jr. High Youth Ministry Program for grades 6 – 8.
We also have a High School Youth Ministry for grades 9 – 12. High school students in the senior year of high school are encouraged to help with the Jr. High Youth Ministry Events as Student Leaders!
Parent Guardian Consent Form
Parents: We must have a consent form on file for your student to attend any youth meetings/events.
We need this form on file BEFORE your child can attend any youth group event. This is our general consent and health form for all youth ministry events. Parents and guardians must only fill this out once a year as we also have a consent per event as part of our online sign-up system. Should you have any questions or comments the parish office at (502) 448-2122
Adult Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in serving the St. Lawrence Catholic Community youth, we need your help! We need adults to serve as volunteers and chaperones for our youth group meetings and events. If you are Safe Environment trained, please consider signing up to assist our Jr High or High School youth.
Adults must be 18+ and a graduate of high school to work with our middle school youth.
Adults must be 21+ to work with our high school youth.
Jr High Ministry

High School Ministry


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