Religious Education

Registration for Religious Education Classes.

Does your child attend public school, but you would like them to learn about the Catholic faith as well?

Does your child need sacramental prep to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation?

St. Lawrence offers religious education for our public-school students on Sunday mornings between the masses from 9:15 am – 10:15 am

Classes begin in September and meet on Sundays when school is in session.

Registration forms can be accessed through the links below.

For more information or questions, contact the parish office

To complete your registration and pay online, click below:

To complete your registration online but mail your payment to the parish office, click here.

Interested in sharing your spiritual gifts as a teacher?

Contact Mike Raymer, Director of Formation, in the parish office.

Teachers and assistants should have at minimum an Associates Catechist Certificate. The Archdiocese of Louisville Office of Faith Formation provides catechist training and St Lawrence will cover the cost of the classes for parishioners.