St. Lawrence Catholic Church has various ministries and opportunities where we, as Christian Disciples, can give our time and talents.
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.”
1 Peter 4:10
What is Stewardship?
Stewardship is not just about sharing our financial treasure but sharing our gifts of time and talents, as well.
Stewardship is rooted in scripture, recognizing we, as individuals, are not owners of our lives but rather are stewards or managers. Stewardship, quite simply is acknowledging that everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God and being grateful and generous with those gifts.
Time is the most limited resource we have. Once it has passed, we can’t get it back and we can’t make more. People often say that they “don’t have enough time” – but God gives us all the time that we need. We must ask ourselves: How am I choosing to use my time? Does it reflect my priorities? Am I intentional about putting down technology to have an uninterrupted conversation with God in prayer? How about with my family? What is one thing I can do today to be more generous with the time with which God has blessed me?
Every skill, talent, and ability is a gift from God. He doesn’t give them to us to keep for ourselves but to bless others and build His kingdom. Our talents are God’s gift to us. What we do with them is our gift to God.
Our call to practice Stewardship of Talent is an invitation to discern where and how the Spirit calls us to serve. God has given each of us unique skills and abilities to share. As our talents develop and circumstances change, we listen to how God calls us to use our gifts. But no matter what, He is calling each one of us!
Treasure might be the word most often associated with stewardship. Unfortunately, many reduce this beautiful spirituality to a “nice way to ask for money.” It’s important to remember that stewardship encompasses everything, so we include finances. We don’t get upset with stewardship in the context of time and talent, so why are feathers often ruffled at the first mention of treasure?
Money takes hold of us, but Jesus warns that we cannot serve both God and wealth (Matthew 6:24). Giving our money manifests our values and beliefs. God blesses us with the talents we use to earn our money. Out of gratitude for what we receive, we give back to God. It’s a sacrifice. When we make a sacrifice, we offer something of value to God, which makes it holy. Yes, when set apart for the work of God, our money is made holy!